Santa Barbara

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Please select all programs for which you would like to apply. There will only be a single application page that will apply for all waitlists.

Public Housing waitlist is closed effective April 1st, 2013.

Information: Subsidized low-income properties operated by HACSB. Eligible applicants are offered a specific unit when their name comes up on the Public Housing waiting list. Rent amount is based upon 30% of the household’s adjusted annual income and is paid directly to the Housing Authority. All HACSB owned units are located within the City of Santa Barbara and unit sizes range from one to five bedrooms. Families, seniors, and the disabled are given priority on the Public Housing waiting list. .

Typical Wait Time: Varies depending on preference points, household size, date/time of application, and vacancy availability.

Section 8 waitlist is closed effective April 1st, 2014.

For Project-Based Section 8 (PBA) applications, a local PBA housing provider must obtain a code from our offices to activate the application. The Project-Based Section 8 (PBA) application also requires a separate referral letter from a local PBA housing provider. The referral must be received in this office within 30 days of the application submission date. If not received within 30 days, the PBA application will be canceled. If your application is canceled, you must reapply.

Information: Federally subsidized low-income rental program: Eligible households are issued a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher allowing them to choose a unit to rent from private landlords. Participants pay a portion of their income toward rent directly to the landlord and the remainder of the contract rent is paid to the landlord by the Housing Authority. All units must pass inspection by the Housing Authority and the rental amount must be approved before Section 8 assistance can begin. Families, seniors, and the disabled are given priority on the Section 8 waiting list. .

Typical Wait Time: Varies depending on preference points, funding availability and date/time of application.

Information: Rental units owned and/or operated by the City Housing Authority for employed individuals and families. Rent amounts vary depending on the property/unit offered and is also based upon household income and size of unit. Unit sizes range from studio to three bedrooms and some properties give preference points for downtown workers and/or may have vehicle restrictions. .

Typical Wait Time: Varies depending on household size and income, preference points, date/time of application and vacancy availability.

Information: Mix of subsidized and unsubsidized studio units operated by the City Housing Authority with on-site supportive services for the disabled, formerly homeless, and other special needs individuals. Rent is based upon income and some properties may have vehicle restrictions. More Information.

Typical Wait Time: Varies depending on preferences, date/time of application, and any applicable agency referrals.

Information: Mix of subsidized and unsubsidized studio units operated by the City Housing Authority with on-site supportive services for the disabled, formerly homeless, and other special needs individuals. Rent is based upon income and property has vehicle restriction. .

Typical Wait Time: Varies depending on preferences, date/time of application, and any applicable agency referrals.

Information: Subsidized and unsubsidized rental units in senior-designated properties operated by the City Housing Authority. Eligible applicants must be at least 62 years old. Units are one bedroom and rent is based upon income. Applicants for senior housing will be placed on the waiting lists for all HACSB programs, including Section 8. .

Typical Wait Time: Varies depending on program, date/time of application, preferences, and vacancy availability.

Information: Subsidized senior designated studio units for the frail elderly. Garden Court on De la Vina provides various on-site services including meals, cleaning assistance, and activities. .

Typical Wait Time: Varies depending on date/time of application, preferences, and vacancy availability.

Information: Federally subsidized program providing Section 8 vouchers to eligible families for whom the lack of adequate housing (as defined by HUD), is a primary factor in the imminent placement of the family’s child or children, in out-of-home care; or the delay in reuniting the child or children to the family from out-of-home care; or the family has been displaced by domestic violence -OR- providing 18-month Section 8 vouchers to former foster care youths at least 18 years old and not more than 21 years old (have not reached their 22nd birthday) who left foster care at age 16 or older and who lack adequate housing and/or have been displaced by domestic violence. More Information.


Typical Wait Time: Varies based upon voucher availability.